Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Zombie + Bus Sketches, sittin' in a tree...

Update with some recent art, a lil' rusty but getting back on the horse...1. Zombie eating own leg..2. Dico Pirate..or as i like to call it, "Saturday Night Scurvy"....and 3. Dude crying on boat...don't really have a reason behind this one, just started drawing and went with it...enjoy

Fan expo '07...

Well, its been awhile since I've updated....manly just been enjoying summer and in doing so i attended the Toronto Fan Expo....it was pretty freak'in sweet!! Bought some comics had tons of fun, and got to meet one of my idols....Stephen Silver! I talked to him for a bit, manly mumbled words on my part since i was in awe...long story short he did a caricature of and here it is!

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Just a sketch I did, and have been playing with...